Monday, May 10, 2010



Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What is a Mother?

What makes a mother?
Are you a mother when you have your first bout of morning sickness?
Are you a mother when the second line appears on the pregnancy test?
Are you a mother when you sign your name to the adoption papers?
What exactly is a mother?
In today's crazy world, it seems that mothers differ in many different ways.
There are those that get pregnant only to realize that their child will have a better life without them. They sign over their rights as a mom, and hand their baby to a woman who has wanted a child.
Is that a mother? The one who takes the baby with tears in her eyes, as she signs a piece of paper rather than giving birth? The one who willingly takes a child and raises it as her own?
Or perhaps its the one who has tried fertility drugs for months and years, just to find out one day that the second pink line appeared on their pregnancy test.
Maybe it's the mother of 6 children, that is the epitome of what a mother is.
I believe they are all mothers, they are all what children wait for.
From the compassion of the birth mother to give her child a better life, to the mother that is having her 6th child, and still has enough time for the 5 others she has.
A mother is the person who wipes the tears from her children's eyes as she kisses the scratches on their knees.
A mother is the woman who waits patiently at the end of her driveway to see the smile spread across her child's face as they jump off the bus.
A mother is the advocate for her children, the keeper of the candies, and the very best of all the friends her child has.
A mother is everything and everyone to her children.
So on this week, I would like to salute the mothers in the world.
I raise a baby bottle to the birth, adoptive, grand, new, old, young and pregnant mothers in the world.

Happy Mother's Day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's been awhile

It's a funny world that we live in. The world demands more time from us than it is willing to give us in a day.
Sunlight brings laundry, phone calls, cleaning the house, and errands. Kids lunches, hobbies, and giggles. We look forward to the evening, twilight, the hour that the kids settle down, the phone calls stop, and the house is tidy. The children go to bed, and you look around. The house is a right off, toys are strewn from end to end, the children have made sure to leave a reminder of the fun they had. The dishes from the supper you made in haste are piled up in the sink.
Sigh--another 4 hours and the house should be up to par. As you fall onto the couch to finally watch the last 5 minutes of that episode of your favorite show you have been wanting to watch all week. The calender that sits on the wall reminds you that it all starts again at 7am.
Sigh-the show is over, and made no sense, as you missed the majority and caught more commercials in that 5 minutes than show.
You sit yourself down on the toilet to hear your youngest say "I need to pee". You quickly finish as they run into the bathroom and collide with you getting up as they sit down.
Sigh-this is the life of a mom.
One I would never trade.
I am blessed that each day starts at 7am, and ends as the sun starts to rise again.
What I wouldn't trade for another 8 hours just to hear the giggles of my kids, to see the toys strewn from end to end, and to see the piles of dishes in the sink. It means that my day was successful, my children were happy, and well fed.
What more can a mom ask for?
What more indeed?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


There are times in every mothers life, when her children will be tested.
Today is one of those days.
According to the Peterborough Victoria Northumberland Clarington Catholic School Board, my son who is Deaf does not deserve to have an ASL interpreter.
So, in order to continue with an interpreter at school, they feel an assessment was in order.
My son, who is 5 years old, is having a full day assessment at this moment. I want so bad to be there, to hold his hand, and help him through all of this. I want to be there to protect his rights as a human being.
What is language?? Is it being able to use your voice? Is it using your hands, or is it your whole body communicating at once?
My son uses proficient SIGN language to communicate on a daily basis. Unless of course you can't sign back to him. Then he uses every single inch of his tiny body to tell you what he wants.
I am hoping today the assessor will see this wonderful gift that my child possesses. He can communicate with Deaf people or hearing people alike, regardless if you know ASL. What more can a mother ask for?
I never knew that a child had to qualify to learn their native language in school, or to have someone there to interpret it for them. Not until we were told otherwise.
What a terrible imposition for my son.
I pray that he passes this test with flying colors...but then again, if the assessor knows their job, there is no reason why he shouldn't.
Every child should be given an opportunity to have a voice without a test to prove they deserve it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The connections

It always amazes me, how much my children are connected. Though they have 2 very different personalities, they are always connected in some way.
The youngest always tries to make it seem that he is the boss, and that it is his way or the highway.
The eldest always complies, and just goes with the flow of energy.
But somehow, through all of this, they are connected.
They play together in a way that I've never seen two siblings do before.
I've watched from the doorway, as the youngest allows the eldest to be the boss.
Watched as the eldest took control, and used his time in power to share with his brother.
Watched as they connected on a higher level than I could ever expect.
With my eldest being Deaf, the youngest has learned the language of SIGN, before he learned the English language. He learned to communicate with his brother, and to interpret for his brother.
This connection warms my heart. No matter what is happening, my youngest takes the time to interpret, talk, and work at learning the language of his brother.
The eldest has so much respect for his young brother, the pride in his eyes as he watches his brother sign to him, is evident. What more could a mother ask for?
I know that no matter what happens in life, they will always share a special connection. Unseen by many, as they share secretly, play nicely in cognito, and love deeper than two siblings ever have.
This connection is one that will last through the tests of time. It gives a mother a deep sense of security.
What more can I ask for?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Welcome to my World

I am a mom.
You must have gathered that by the name of this blog site.
If not, now you know.
I have 2 beautiful boys.
I know every mom thinks they have beautiful children, but I know I really do.
When strangers used to walk up to the stroller, they would stare for a moment, and then gasp--OH MY, HE IS BEAUTIFUL, so of course, I now know I don't just imagine their beauty, the world sees it.
Now enough about how gorgeous they are, who they are is important too.
My eldest is 5, and has so much personality. He is thirsting for knowledge, a sponge once given a drink from it, and then retains it like a PMSing teen. He is quiet, and reserved, but oh so sweet. He still likes to cuddle, and loves to read.
My youngest is 3. He is bossy, a pretender, and always on the go. Never cuddles, and loves to make up stories about everything he sees. He is loud, and the world is his to explore.
These are my kids, this is my life.
I wouldn't trade a minute of it.
Did I mention that my eldest hears with his eyes, and speaks with his hands??
Or that my youngest can only sing the first 5 letters of the ABC's before finishing it with row row row your boat??
They are my world, the sun and moon of my days, and of course, the reason for being.
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.